October 20, 2017 Pinestone Resort, Haliburton, ON
SERA Community Ventures is pleased to announce the Rural Collaborative Forum on October 20, 2017 at Pinestone Resort in Haliburton.
- Pinestone Resort, Haliburton, Ontario
- Full Day Knowledge-Sharing, 9:00am – 6:00pm
- Optional Off-site Tour, 4:00 -6:00pm
- $45 per person, inclusive
- Travel bursaries available
The Rural Collaborative Forum will bring together interested stakeholders and practitioners for vibrant dialogue and interactive sessions surrounding the growth of rural social enterprise. We’ve also planned a special site tour showcasing unique models of rural enterprise and collaboration, as well as sector-specific Meet Ups to bring you face to face with other social rural innovators in your field.
The theme of this year’s Rural Forum is Connecting Communities – exploring how to support strong local networks that leverage the power of rural collaborative alliances to grow and strengthen rural economies.
Recent changes and growth in the Ontario social enterprise sector have set the stage for opportunities to engage and investigate ways to collaborate more effectively and exchange ideas around the social economy. The Rural Collaborative Forum will explore how a rural network approach can support growth and help address the challenges faced by potential and existing social entrepreneurs in rural communities.
The Rural Collaborative Forum provides opportunities for people to meet, learn from each other, and exchange best practices to benefit rural communities so that we all may be Changemakers, balancing people, planet and profits for social good.
Forum Program
The Rural Forum will feature an Opening Panel discussion by social innovators engaged in Ontario’s emerging social economy who will present their thoughts on the changing landscape of social enterprise and social innovation in the province. Presentations will provide an overview of recent advancements aimed at strengthening the social economy and what that means in a rural context.
Hear from thought leaders who have created innovative social solutions within their local economies and learn about the latest advancements in social enterprise and entrepreneurship in Ontario. The day will challenge you to think critically about how you can find innovative ways to affect change in your rural community and present with ideas to move forward in the mentoring and collaborative environment of a Rural Alliance for social entrepreneurs and changemakers.
Presented as a Knowledge Exchange, the Rural Collaborative Forum is focused on information sharing, practical support and peer connections. The Forum will explore how a network approach can support place-based development to support growth, innovation and help address the challenges faced by rural enterprises and innovators. By showcasing social entrepreneurs from a variety of disciplines and rural locales, we hope to illustrate that change and rural community development can be mobilized through shared knowledge of innovative approaches, informed by local context, and supported by a strong rural network for education and information transfer.

Social Enterprise Off-Site Tour
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Friday, October 20, 2017
After a great day in beautiful Haliburton Village, join us for a special off-site Tour of Abbey Gardens. Continue the learning and conversations with guided tours of this unique property and the partner enterprises. Meet the innovative partners that have been the key to its success. They will provide you with first-hand insight into their social enterprise experience and their partnerships as possibilities to consider for your own organization or community collaboration. Included is a light meal (option for take-out) and a tasting at Haliburton Highlands Brewing (cash bar also available) at Abbey Gardens.